A bittersweet holiday: Mothers day
Mothers Day has been a bitter sweet holiday for me for the last ten years. While I wanted to whole heartedly celebrate the mother’s in my life there was always a tinge of hurt and sadness around the day. And when I say tinge I mean a lot of hurt and sadness. From 2010 to 2018 we tried to have a baby. Throughout those years every Mother’s Day I would avoid all social media. With every swipe I would see another beautiful smiling mother holding her babies against her body with a big smile on her face. While I wanted to celebrate her day with her it also reminded me of what I wanted so badly and despite our best effort we couldn’t make happen.
If this is you today I feel you, I see you, I hurt for you. Tears swell in my eyes as I write this because those feelings are still so real. There are no words that can fix the hurt. The longing to be a mother is indescribable and today is just another reminder of that deep longing. Just know you have value, you are loved, your body is a masterpiece and you are not broken. You were fearfully and wonderfully made!
If you know someone who is struggling with infertility reach out to them today. Send flowers, call or even just a text to tell her you are thinking about her.
Today is a celebration of all mother’s, mother’s of heavenly Angel babies, birth mothers, foster mothers, adoptive mothers, mothers of embryos waiting to be transferred, mothers with empty arms and mothers with full arms.
This is a picture of hope. This is a picture eight years in the making. Never lose hope.